Thought it was a pretty sweet energy level from both sides.
I wanna go to these jams but I don't know if i will have enough people
And also Breakin The Law 6 on the 17-18th of April and Unfinished Steps 2 on the 27th of June
A Blog dedicated to my own progress to keep track of how much I evolve over my bboy pursuit. Some exclusive bboy footage of events that I have been to as well not posted on bboyworld.
Thought it was a pretty sweet energy level from both sides.
I wanna go to these jams but I don't know if i will have enough people
And also Breakin The Law 6 on the 17-18th of April and Unfinished Steps 2 on the 27th of June
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 1:18 PM 0 comments
This was our performance at MBDC We placed 1st at the event and won moola and a large plaque :D
Heres the jam I recorded all of the 7 to smokes at
Nice ehhh!?
Got two flares now. I'm going for three next cause I made a deal with a fellow bboy friend that if I get 3 he has to buy me a $5 footolong at subway or if he gets 8 handhops in a row then I have to buy him it. I'm gonna win, VISUALIZATION HELPS!!!
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 1:13 PM 0 comments
We're doing a show this Saturday for Midwest Best Dance Crew. We've been rehearsing all week so far and will continue to do so everyday.
Anyways heres a clip for you all to enjoy that I think is definitely worth watching.
All Area (Japan) vs Rhythm Attack (Hong Kong)
Why is Katsu so nasty yo!?
Updates on my progress!
My flares are coming along as I almost have two and the back doesn't drag anymore. It appears I need to kick harderd on the 2nd around as I almost complete a 2nd rotation. Inconsistent but this is my first month really working on these! :D
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Heres a fundraiser event we attended for a local dance company called MOvMNT Dance Company. We kinda just did whatever... enjoy I think I went out 10 times plus more later thats not on footage.
aha my sets are pretty short in performances I noticed and I'm the guy wearing gray sweat pants.
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Sometimes its hard to manage work and bboying at the same time. I can testify to this but I keep my head up still, money really does give you the power to live your life to the fullest. However, money isn't everything of course but it sure can help you out!
As a bboy, I'm always wanting to dance and train, hell I don't want to work but I know I have to and thats what I will do. Also dance isn't everything either, you got family, friends, and I have a girlfriend whom I love to death. All of these need to be balanced out for me to have a successful happy life.
Having the right balance will also make you a better bboy in my opinion. I've seen seen and heard bboys out there that train all the time and don't progress much over time. I'll admit i've been like that before! But now I'm cooking.
I wonder, what my life will be like after I finish college. My money income isn't the greatest right now for sure and I know I need to work more than I am right now. I still want to bboy, see my girlfriend and everything. But do I have to give dance up temporarily? or will I find time in my random free time alone?
All I know is, I'm gonna come out happy no matter what! :D
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 11:41 PM 2 comments
Less than a month till my next jam, and a few days over a month till another jam. It's time to get really serious.
IBE 2008 Korea/Japan vs USA
I believe in myself that I will do well. I've been working on a lot of power lately. Especially flares and a forearm headspin. I've been doing a ton of handstand pushups lately as well as some random pushup variations. Really trying to develop that explosive strength so I can do blowups better. My footwork is getting faster, I just can't wear new shoes :p
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Today I ran into a generation of bboys that came before me in my home city. A guy contacted me on myspace as he noticed my profile picture (a dance picture of me). Goes by the name of IMPERFEKT. Local music artist and was a bboy back in the days but now is working on getting back into it. I haven't given up on my homecity, theres still hope to establish a firm community :D
Most people at practice today though in my home city!
Heres some good footage that you may enjoy, not of me though.
I'm gonna be rocking hard this season, got a show coming up on march 28th! and upcoming competitions in April!
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Part 4! Winner is...
Keebz (Mind180, Masters of Mayhem)!
Right now, we're getting ready for some jams,and a show right now. It's gonna be some intense training but im up for it as always.
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Part 3 (shorter)
and of course Part 4 is coming up next which is around 7 mins long.
On a side note, ive been training a lot! Every other day ive at least been doing 60 handstand pushups, and then lots of other ground pushups to develop more strength. I'm feeling it helping my flare and blowups now. This is a good thing. Maybe I can get a planche out of this? as I already can do a tucked planche and have been for a long while.
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 9:01 AM 0 comments
7 To Smoke Part 2
Part 3 coming next!
Everybody's roasting each other :D
Heres some flyers I've made for a Jam in Iowa coming up on Friday May 1st!
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 12:51 PM 0 comments
I recorded this footage at a Jam I went to in MN. Technically footage of the event like this shouldn't be up but hey! thats why I didn't tag it with Falling With Style in the title or in the tags.
Anyways this 7tosmoke features, Los boogie, Kevo, Keebz, Toyz, Ja Lee, lil ivan)?, Timchips, Kid Rellos,
I'll upload the rest later. In total 4 parts.
This was one of my first jams, pretty dope though and I had a lot of fun cyphering and observing. The twin cities have some upcoming bboys for sure. Although certainly not all the bboys were around from the twin cities.
The result of this jam was my footwork was taken to a whole different level. Awesome :D Possibly influenced by Keebz and Toyz the most for those who know me.
Posted by Bboy Keitsu at 9:59 AM 0 comments