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Monday, May 11, 2009

Work Out

I've been working out lately to supplement my bboying. Sometimes ill even do it on the same day that I bboy

So what does that consist of?

Some weight training and some natural training

Focusing primarily on the triceps but also my whole upper body in general. Triceps extension, curls, bench press, pec flys, fist pushups (since my wrist cannot handle flat palm pressure), various ab exercises. Then I run for 20 mins for cardio each time.

Whats my Goal?

To develop explosive strength/power and to look good doing it :p Some bboy blowups certainly require substantial strength, but i'd say 75% of it is technique and balance related and the ther 25% is strength.

Sometimes I think bboys neglect strength training, yeah you can get quite a workout by just bboying alone, but you can certainly get stronger faster by having a separate time to work out specific muscles.

You know... that extra muscle endurance could help you out in a long battle!

Gamblerz vs TIP Korea is always ripping it

KOREA| Gamblerz vs T.I.P. (Cyon Bboy Qualifiers - Semifinals) from Daniel Zhu on Vimeo.