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Sunday, April 26, 2009

I.O.W.A. is HERE

I Oughta Wreck Amazing is coming up this week!

Gonna be a smaller but dope jam, I have a good feeling about it. An international crew or two may come to it as well :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

BTL6 Results

Heres the battle that I battled in.

LTC vs Intermix Crew

Aha clearly LTC took that battle but we didn't give up :D

I don't think this video captures the energy LTC really had which was super super hype! It was impressive how much energy they came out with.

Now I really know what I need to work on. All I can think in my head right now is how to beat these guys, I can't stop thinking about it. I have that drive now! I know how to win now its just a matter of putting it to practice.

Post more videos later :D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Breakin The Law Floor Phy6ix Coming!

Breaking The Law on April 17-18th

I plan to compete in popping and bboying.
I'm down with two of my Intermix homies Rock and Josh and then two brazilian cats Ananias and Tina to form a crew :D

Heres the trailer for BTL 5

Am I ready to have fun? Yeah, not gonna be too serious about this jam. It's for free, nothing on the line. I'm gonna do my best though without my right hand :D

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Heres a semi old video of me doing some walking turtles.


tonight at session I seemed to injury my right wrist again. I know I will recover quickly though as I believe I will. I already am recovering. But hey... aha for now I will stay off my right hand which eliminates half of my arsenal... BUT it will force me to be more creative so maybe this is a good thing? But no more working on flares for now :( maybe more ground power instead :P

Bboying can be frustrating with injuries indeed... but it won't stop me wahahhaha!